/manager/Index en-au 5 Incremental network design with minimum spanning trees /manager/Repository/uon:31033 G=(V,E) and a set E0E, the incremental network design problem with minimum spanning trees asks for a sequence of edges e′1,…,e′TEE0 minimizing [formula could not be replicated] where w(Xt) is the weight of a minimum spanning tree Xt for the subgraph (V,E0∪{e′1,…,e′t}) and T=|EE0|. We prove that this problem can be solved by a greedy algorithm.]]> Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:39:31 AEST ]]> Does the signal contribution function attain its extrema on the boundary of the area of feasible solutions? /manager/Repository/uon:49762 Tue 30 May 2023 20:37:45 AEST ]]>